Event Details:

Do you drink Kombucha and want to learn more about how to brew this delicious and nutritious beverage at home?
Are you a home brewer and want to share your techniques, stories and scobies?
Have you even heard of Kombucha?
We invite you to join us at the Kula Farm for our Kombucha workshop and scoby share. Drop in at the Farm to participate in a relaxed and ongoing demonstration on the simple and easy process of brewing kombucha at home.
Bring a sample of your own home brew to SHARE with others.
Teresa Maltz is an avid gardener, teacher and dedicated kombucha home brewer. Currently she works as a Job Coach for the HOPE Program at Allaire Community Farm and is the garden coordinator for the Monmouth University Community Garden. She has worked as an Educator for a number of years and has been a registered Horticultural Therapist through the American Horticultural Therapy Association since 2008. Her diverse background includes psychology, education, holistic health, environmental activism, and horticulture. Inspiring people through nature and horticulture is a goal she strives to accomplish.

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