Through the years, our services have grown to include distinct programs for Monmouth County residents, including:  Homeless Prevention through Rental & Mortgage Assistance, Senior Nutrition/Meals on Wheels, Affordable Housing, Kula Urban Farm, Launch Center, the Early Childhood Learning Center, Community Outreach, and Community Food Connection.

Who We Are

Interfaith Neighbors, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in May 1988 when local faith communities came together to address the growing problem of homelessness in Monmouth County. Today our supporting members include over 45 varied faith-based organizations, private & corporate donors, charitable gifts & trusts, as well as grants from foundations. Our team works to deliver successful and timely projects in a highly efficient and effective manner that’s helped us build a reputation for excellence. They include:

  • A highly qualified management team with over 90 years experience in real estate development, project management, real estate law, and financial analysis.
  • Over 50 years cumulative tenure managing Interfaith Neighbors’ growth.
  • Maintaining a lean & flat organizational structure where 92 cents of every dollar contributed directly supports our programs and initiatives.
  • Consistently delivering development projects on time and within budget.
  • Administering a neighborhood-revitalization plan that brought the first mixed-use project to the Springwood Avenue corridor since 1970.
  • Having long-established relationships with local, County and State officials.

Interfaith Neighbors has a socially-conscious mission based on conservative business practices.

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