Since 2022, Interfaith Neighbors has organized a collaborative network of area food pantries, other community spaces, and local farmers called the Community Food Connection. Community Food Connection is the first ever Monmouth County-wide food and farm coalition, and is driven by the leadership of the members. The power of this collaboration lies in our decision and ability to collaborate to end nutritional insecurity in our community.

Members of the coalition have broken free of our individual “silos” to collaborate on policy, share resources, and create innovative food and agriculture initiatives. We are leaders in our community, pantries, nonprofits, community centers, corner stores, schools, government, and farms. Our vision is a food system that is healthy and equitable for ALL, and is created, operated and sustained by the people of our community.
The main fruit of our labor, is the Farm to Family Initiative.
During the growing season, from May to mid-November, Community Food Connection purchases fresh produce from local, NJ farms that is distributed to over 35 sites across Monmouth County. This helps individuals and families who are struggling to afford fresh, healthy food have access to these options that will aid their physical and mental wellbeing. Community Food Connection believes fresh, healthy food is a basic human right.

Interfaith Neighbors is seeking support from the broader community and invites you to sponsor the cost of produce for an individual family. $250 will underwrite the cost of produce for a family for the growing season. $50 will support a family’s produce for one month. $25 will cover the cost of produce for one family for two weeks. Whatever you are able to give will assist us in helping families live healthier lives.
Fighting for Food Security and Local Farms
Many individuals who frequent food pantries live below the poverty line and find it difficult to access federal food benefits and farm fresh produce. Community Food Connection’s goal is to provide a consistent supply of fresh produce to families throughout the summer growing season.
According to a Center for Science in the Public Interest survey, 85 percent of food pantry families emphasized the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables over candy and soda. When children are introduced at a young age to farm-fresh produce, they tend to prefer the taste of fruits and vegetables to unhealthy options, are more willing to try different cuisines and have better life outcomes.

It is well known that unhealthy diets contribute to negative life outcomes, including impaired growth in children and chronic health conditions that lead to higher healthcare costs and missed days of work. In underinvested areas, individuals are most susceptible to hypertension, diabetes, cancer, stroke, obesity, and heart disease. These food-related illnesses are preventable through a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, underscoring the need for increased access to a consistent supply of fresh food.
With the vast availability of processed foods, which are high in calories and low in nutritional content, as well as the absence of quality fresh produce, the Asbury Park community is facing food insecurity and a lack of nutritious options.
This initiative also supports New Jersey farms and helps ensure our resources stay local. It supports small-scale farms who struggle to compete within the commercial marketplace, and fosters a greater relationship with the food we consume and the farmers who grow it. All produce is picked the morning prior to transport, providing a fresh and delicious option to participating families, who otherwise cannot afford this food.
During the 25-week initiative, participating local food pantries will receive a weekly produce drop, executed in partnership with Fernbrook Farms in Bordentown. Participating families will have access to farm tours and volunteer opportunities. Pantries will distribute healthy recipes along with fresh produce.