Donor Spotlight: Peter Cancro

Founder and CEO, Jersey Mike’s Subs

Peter Cancro was introduced to Interfaith Neighbors and Joe Marmora in 1992. Since then, he has been a strong supporter of Interfaith’ s mission to build healthier, more equitable communities.

In 2019, Peter approached Interfaith Neighbors with an idea: to bring quality, affordable childcare and education to the youngest minds of the community Interfaith Neighbors serves. He credits this idea largely to visiting Dallas, Texas and meeting Marian Wright Edelman, a civil rights and child rights activist who influenced Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“She said something that struck a chord in me: that by the time many children from underserved communities reach kindergarten, they’re already behind educationally, and by the time they reach third grade, teachers could already predict whether some students would graduate high school” Peter explained.

Edelman’s words made him realize how important early childhood education and development is to getting children on the right track for a successful life. And who better to embark on the journey than Interfaith Neighbors? Four years from Peter’s first suggestion, Interfaith Neighbors and the Dr. Lorenzo Harris Jr. ECLC are off to an amazing start.

Peter’s company, Jersey Mike’s Subs, is generously donating to numerous organizations across the nation, with national fundraising efforts raising astonishing dollar amounts for organizations such as Feeding America and the Special Olympics USA Games.

However, Peter continues to stress how important it is to give back to your local community and to start the work at home.

“My hope is that this giving will spread. That people will hear about what we’re doing with the ECLC and that local businesses and others in the community will get involved and give back. This is how we can move forward and give the kids in our community the tools to have the brightest futures possible.” Interfaith Neighbors couldn’t have said it better, Peter!

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