Event Details:
Open to all! Bring your mommy and/or guardian to join us!
Together as mom and child, we are going to learn how to hold space for each other, without anger or judgement, to better connect and build healthier relationships.
We'll have several speakers and special guests and will also be using the healing properties of herbal teas to create a calm and relaxed environment to boost memory and attention.It’s time to “Heal” y’all. Come join us Register below.
This event is made with LOVE
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It wasn’t until I started my journey, when I realized I was affected by “MOTHER WOUNDS”.
Mothers mold us — often physically in the womb, though there are many other types of mother-child relationships, including adoptive ones, and emotionally through their interactions with us. You see my mom was a great mom and provider, but wasn’t really there for me emotionally. So for a long time, I was upset and angry at my mom. It wasn’t until I started my healing journey when I started to look at my mom as an individual and not just “mom”. It made me more aware of her wounds, trauma and life’s experiences that gave deeper understanding for how she raised me. This event is very dear personal to me and this will be my biggest gift to all the mommies across the world.I love you mommy
Siarra Morris - Organizer and owner of YogiVibezzThank you to the beautiful team of women I have supporting me through this journey.
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