Event Details:

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Join us for a morning of Intention Setting and Candle Decorating!

Come bring prosperity into your life and Kula's as well as all proceeds benefit the Farm. 

Saturday, March 23 2024, 11am - 12.30pm.

What is an intention?

Simply put, an intention is a clear plan you set. Grounded in the present, intentions are often used as both an anchor and guiding post. Spiritually speaking, with every intention set, you send a signal to the universe about what you need or want to call into your life. 

What are we doing?

We are calling in the Intention of Prosperity. You are setting the intention, invoking your energy into an Intention candle, and decorating that candle with flowers, herbs and crystals. A short guided meditation and centering will take place before we begin our project. All supplies included. You're taking home a beautiful pillar candle!

A workshop by Radiant Angel Candle Co owner Kim. She is also a Master Reiki Practitioner. Kim will lead all in a short guided meditation, as you delve into your own energy and set your intentions for prosperity, abundance and success- in whatever aspect that means to you.

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