Event Details:

Kirtan is a form of singing meditation set to music that connects us to our hearts and divine wisdom. Chanting, like meditation, occurs across many cultural and spiritual linages and is open to all.

Chanting in a group allows for all voices to become one unified voice, regardless of singing ability. Generally participants will sit in comfortably as in a yoga class or in a circle. The words sung or chanted by the leader accompanied by an instrument is in a call-and-response style song or chant. Quickly, easily and in a fun way kirtan generates positive moods and a sense of community and connection to people and nature.

Through chanting, or repeated mantra, there is no need to understand the definitions of the mantras or words, only to engage with the sounds and the syllables and notice the their effect on our head, heart, body and soul. Experience a calming to the mind, heart opening and settling into the body to enjoy the present moment.

Lead by Vivian Taormina (pictured above) and accompanied by Roseanne Davis on fiddle.


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