Event Details:

Restore Your Body, Mind, & Soul

Meditation & Yoga for Beginners in Spanish Guided by Ericka from KYDS.

Discover inner peace!!

This class provides a calm relaxation space to let go of tension, focus on your breath, and let all your stresses fall away.

Please bring a mat, towel or blanket.

Restablece Tu Cuerpo, Mente, y Corazón

Meditación y Yoga para principiantes – Guiado por Ericka parte de KYDS.

¡Descubre la paz interior con la meditación y movimiento de yoga!

Esta clase proviene un espacio de relajación tranquilamente para dejar ir la tensión, concentrarse en la respiración y dejar que todo el estrés desaparezca.


Meet Ericka Uter – Mother, Guide, Inspirer, Lover of Humanity
Using the eternal now, one day at a time, Ericka wishes to help her community incorporate different healing traditions to navigate the occurrences of everyday life. My journey of healing and experiences in life has helped me recognize the similarities all humans share. People want to feel and give love. People want to live in peace. Ericka believes in the power of mediation, yoga, and breathwork as transformative and healing practices. I believe everyone can practice and benefit on many levels. As I continue to learn and grow, I want to help people develop their practice and begin their journey of self-discovery. Peace, Love, & Presence!

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