Event Details:

Mushroom growing workshop with Cody Parker from Drop the Beet Farms. Sat. February 22, 12-1 pm Growing mushrooms at home is fun and easy. Learn the basics of home mushroom cultivation in this hands on and dynamic workshop. Cody promises not to disappoint as you get your hands in some straw and experience the joy of starting your own mushrooms! This is a great workshop for kids.
Workshop $35 fee includes 2 grow kits that will fruit 3-4 times, instructions, grow kit, and oyster mushroom recipes included. Pay at the time of event, RSVP by sending an email to [email protected] Light refreshments served. Cody Parker manages Drop the Beet Farms a 20,000 gallon aquaponic farm in Freehold that runs a year round CSA and grows gourmet mushrooms. https://www.dropthebeetfarms.com/

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