Event Details:

In 2021 Jana Manning, an Asbury Park resident began the process of advocating for the Asbury Park Traffic Circle to be converted to eco-pollinator habitat highlighting the tandem benefits of reduced maintenance costs, cleaner and cooler air and storm water infiltration. Come out and hear how she worked with state Senators, NJDOT and local authorities to get approval for this project and the details of its implementation. 

This is an excellent case study of how citizens can have an impact on land that is undeveloped and have it managed with ecological principals in mind. Come out and learn from the details of this project and get inspired on how similar initiatives can be accomplished in your own town. 

Jana Manning is a resident of Asbury Park and owner of Manning Designs, she serves on the Asbury Park Green Team and is a member of the Native Plant Society.

Email info@kulafarm to register.

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