2024 Highlights

Many thanks to our golfers, reception guests, volunteers and staff, donors to our golf course raffle, our golf committee and all supporters of the event!
Golf Committee Members
- John Heavey, Chair
- Thomas Ankiewicz
- Don Brockel
- Christie Cancro
- Steve Carlidge
- Walter “Chip” Craig
- Rich Fama
- Laura Frank
- Eileen Gilmore
- Brian & Janel Griffin
- Ben Harvey
- Robert Hayes
- Kim Sambade
- Joanne Heavey
- Bob Hogan
- Joe Lemanowicz
- John Livingston
- Joseph Marmora
- Paul Marmora
- Paul McEvily
- Beth Paterno
- Barry Pollack
- Jeanne Reichardt
- Carlo Sestito
- Mike Stout