Every child needs and deserves a caring, nurturing start to life, with education and enrichment that form a lifelong foundation. Quality early childhood care and education benefit our children, their families and entire communities.

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A place one can call “home” is the foundation for a stable life. The goal is just a dream for far too many of our neighbors. MEETING THE MOMENT will help make this dream a reality by creating affordable housing and extending our successful work in other housing assistance programs.

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The cornerstone of a community’s strength is the ability of every person and family to have access to opportunities – from education and training, to employment and advancement – which set the stage for success and self-sufficiency. MEETING THE MOMENT will enable us to expand our innovative Launch Center and therefore provide more personalized advancement services, career preparation programs and community enrichment resources.

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Interfaith Neighbors knows access to nutritious food is a basic human right, but that many people living in Monmouth County struggle with hunger. MEETING THE MOMENT will address these issues by expanding the Meals on Wheels program, Kula Urban Farm, and our educational and health care programs.

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The cultural heritage of a neighborhood is its heart and soul, with the fine and performing arts driving a sense of community, purpose, history and future. MEETING THE MOMENT will foster the arts and artists, create economic opportunity and promote social justice and equity, once again making Asbury Park a vibrant place bursting with pride and potential.

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Maximizing potential to help people launch into a career with training, education and support for success, Interfaith Neighbors’ SOAR program helps those who qualify SOAR into a career! The SOAR Program Educational Scholarship Endowment will provide individual scholarship funds for SOAR colleagues who decide to pursue a professional certification.

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