Event Details:

All about trees

Ages 5-9
Saturday - Oct. 23 (date change)
10:00am - 11.30am
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Have you ever wondered what animals live in trees? 
What are some animals that depend on trees?
Here are some questions we will find out during our discovery of trees:
What do trees provide for these plants and animals? Can you see signs of life on the trunk, branches, roots, and leaves? (Children will look on the ground around the tree for fallen leaves, twigs, bark, seeds, fruits, or nuts.)
While observing a tree, children will learn about the different ways plants and animals can find food, water, shelter, and living space. We will use our sense of hearing to locate more plants and animals.
Finally, we will compare a tree to your own home, or habitat. How are they alike or different?
We will then make a fun project showing which animals live in our trees!

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