Event Details:

Open Bar: Beer, Seltzers, Wine and Cocktails.

Plentiful Hors d'Oeuvres by the amazing Haute Feast.

Tickets available on kulafarm.org

Proceeds will support Kula's Free Educational Programs.

Live performances by: Quincy MumfordJulia Poorman | Kelly Reynolds

A huge thank you to our sponsors: Haute Feast | Wild Air Beerworks | High Noon

RipeLife Wines | Longbranch Bourbon | Beach Side Productions | Flying Cat Studios

The Farm has mulch and gravel walkways so please wear comfortable shoes.

115 Atkins Ave, Asbury Park, NJ | [email protected] | 732.455.0511

Sorry, we're not (yet) wheelchair accessible, feel free to let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.

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