Event Details:

All about Local Indigenous Tribes

Ages 8 - 12, please register below.

We’ll talk about how stories pass down differently from how we hear stories today. We will also discuss toys children from indigenous cultures played with versus what we play with now. We'll make a toy like ornament that they can use for the upcoming holiday season with lots of finds from nature to complete it. After a story about Native American fry bread we'll share a fry bread snack as well. The goal is to learn something from the past and connect it to how we live our lives today.

Kula for Kids is a great way for your little ones to explore a garden and to learn about food, nature and much more. 
It is a smart opportunity to get engaged in STEM education in an inspiring setting.
We'll provide different exciting topics every month for the kids to learn about. 
We'll provide a snack and a drink. Please have your child wear proper footwear, crocs or sandals aren't very practical at the farm. You can drop off / pick up your child, or -if you prefer- stay to help out with class activities. You will be asked to sign in and leave an emergency contact number.
Masks are recommended but not required since we'll be mostly outside or in the well ventilated greenhouse. Please understand the risk inherent in your visit to the Farm and help prevent spread by keeping distance and washing or disinfecting you hands upon arrival.
It is a free class, donations are always welcome to support our future programs.

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