Event Details:

Please register below.

Seed Swap and Garden Supply Drive

All are welcome this year to join us in exchanging Seed and any gardening supplies in your shed or garage. Many experienced gardeners will be at the event to talk shop with and share ideas about what they are planning for the coming season. 

You do not have to have seeds to participate. If you do have seeds, please bring them, if not, come anyway!

The Kula Farm has many seeds to offer from its own library and we will provide small envelopes for people to portion out their seeds to take home. 

In addition this year we are asking people to bring old tools and garden related materials that they no longer use for us to distribute to the local community. It is a great opportunity to do a little spring cleaning and thin out some old and unused supplies to share and give away to those that can use them. 

We look forward to another lively event where we come together to talk gardening and share in all the potential energy that the seed holds. 

Any questions please reach out to Lisa: [email protected]

We will be outdoors, in tents if necessary. Participants are asked to keep distance, wash/sanitize hands and masks will be required indoors / recommend outdoors if distance cannot be maintained. 
This is a free event but donations are welcomed.

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